OpenID Connect (OIDC)
OpenID Connect 简称OIDC,是基于OAuth 2.0扩展而来的一个协议。除了能够实现OAuth 2.0中的认证场景,还额外定义了认证的场景。相比OAuth 2.0,OIDC引入了id_token和userinfo相关的概念。OIDC引入了身份令牌(ID Token)的概念,用这个特殊的令牌来确定资源所有者的身份。
Key Concepts:
ID Token: A JWT that contains the user's profile information and is provided upon successful authentication.
Authentication Request: Clients request user authentication and ID tokens from the authorization server.
UserInfo Endpoint: A protected resource that, when accessed with an access token, returns claims about the authenticated user.
OIDC定义了类似SAML Metadata的Discovery端口,俗称周知端口(well-known port)。详细说明可参考以下网址中的内容。[2022-8-13]
OIDC协议的登录授权流程和OAuth 2.0类似,整个流程的参与者也类似,只不过换了两个术语:OpenID提供者(OpenID Provider,OP),负责认证和授权服务;依赖方(Relying Party,RP),是OAuth 2.0中的客户端。
OIDC完全兼容OAuth 2.0,在API资源需要包含的场景下可以使用访问令牌控制受保护的API资源。OIDC可以兼容众多的身份提供者,并且作为其他认证中心的父级的身份提供者来使用。
The payload of the provided OIDC token contains several key pieces of information relevant to GitHub workflow execution, securely identifying the workflow run and related data through JWT standards.
Issuer (iss
): The token is issued by
, ensuring its validation and integrity.
Subject (sub
): Identifies the subject of the token as repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod
, specifying the repository and its environment.
Audience (aud
): The intended recipient of the token,
, aligning with the GitHub organization involved.
Repository Details: The payload includes detailed identifiers like repository
, repository_owner
, repository_id
, and repository_visibility
, pinpointing the exact repository and its ownership.
Workflow and Run Details: It contains specific information about the workflow run, including run_id
, run_number
, run_attempt
, and the workflow name, facilitating traceability of the execution.
Actor and Actions: Detailing the actor (actor_id
, actor
) and the action taken (event_name
), it provides auditability and context for the executable actions.
Timing: The token includes timestamps for when it was issued (iat
), when it starts being valid (nbf
), and when it expires (exp
), ensuring timely and secure execution of actions.
This JWT plays a crucial role in securing and documenting actions within GitHub's automation and workflows, leveraging the OIDC standard for authentication and information sharing.
github - Configuring OpenID Connect in Amazon Web Services
For further information on OIDC and GitHub Actions, please see: