Presidio Analyzer - 地址
The Presidio analyzer is a Python based service for detecting PII entities in text.
During analysis, it runs a set of different PII Recognizers, each one in charge of detecting one or more PII entities using different mechanisms.
Presidio analyzer comes with a set of predefined recognizers, but can easily be extended with other types of custom recognizers. Predefined and custom recognizers leverage regex, Named Entity Recognition and other types of logic to detect PII in unstructured text.
PrivAPI is a Python package that allows the classification of sensitive data flows within REST API communication using Deep Neural Networks (DNN). It relies on Google's Keras and TensorFlow.
d18n - 地址
d18n has a built-in method, use keywords match, regexp match, and NLP words match.
Octopii - 地址
Octopii is an open-source AI-powered Personal Identifiable Information (PII) scanner that can look for image assets such as Government IDs, passports, photos and signatures in a directory.
piicatcher - 地址
PIICatcher is a scanner for PII and PHI information. It finds PII data in your databases and file systems and tracks critical data.