To enhance the security of your AWS account, adding a virtual Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) device is a recommended step. With AWS, you can either add a virtual MFA to your root account or to an individual Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. This additional layer of security ensures that your account remains protected against unauthorized access.
Virtual authenticator apps implement the time-based one-time password (TOTP) algorithm and support multiple tokens on a single device. Virtual authenticators are supported for IAM users in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and in other AWS Regions. For more information about enabling virtual authenticators, see Enabling a virtual multi-factor authentication (MFA) device.
You can install apps for your smartphone from the app store that is specific to your type of smartphone. Some app providers also have web and desktop applications available. See the following table for examples.
To add a virtual MFA device, see one of the following:
需要首先购买一个硬件MFA,支持FIDO标准的安全密钥security key,或者TOTP token。FIDO Alliance维护了所有支持FIDO2标准的 FIDO2 products 清单。可以从该网站查询可用的安全密钥。推荐购买yubico的security key:https://www.yubico.com/sg/product/security-key-series/security-key-nfc-by-yubico-black/
To add a FIDO security key, see one of the following:
To add a hardware MFA device, see one of the following:
Hardware TOTP tokens
Hardware tokens also support the TOTP algorithm and are provided by Thales, a third-party provider. These tokens are for use exclusively with AWS accounts. For more information, see Enabling a hardware MFA device.
You can purchase these tokens directly from the manufacturers as a key fob or display card device.
Hardware TOTP tokens for the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
Hardware TOTP tokens are compatible with the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and are provided by Hypersecu, a third-party provider. These tokens are for use exclusively by IAM users with AWS GovCloud (US) accounts.
You can purchase these tokens directly from the manufacturer as a key fob.