防止Amazon S3存储桶被未授权访问并安全地开放到公网

为了防止Amazon S3存储桶被未授权访问并安全地开放到公网,以下是一些最佳实践:

  1. 使用Amazon CloudFront:CloudFront是一个内容分发网络(CDN)服务,它可以在全球范围内安全、高效地分发您的静态和动态Web内容。通过使用CloudFront,您可以将内容缓存到全球的边缘位置,只有这些边缘节点会直接与您的S3存储桶通信,而终端用户则从CloudFront获取内容。

  2. 保持S3存储桶私有:确保您的S3存储桶配置为私有,这样它就不会公开可访问。这意味着未经授权的用户无法直接通过互联网访问存储桶中的数据。

  3. 利用源访问身份(OAI):使用CloudFront的源访问身份(OAI)来限制对S3存储桶的访问,只允许CloudFront访问您的S3存储桶,从而增加一层额外的保护。

  4. 实施存储桶策略和IAM策略:创建和实施IAM策略和S3存储桶策略,精确控制哪些用户或服务可以访问您的S3资源,以及他们可以执行的操作。

  5. 启用访问日志记录:启用S3访问日志记录,以监控和记录所有对S3存储桶的请求。这有助于您跟踪使用模式,检测异常行为,并在必要时采取行动。

  6. 使用AWS WAF和AWS Shield:集成AWS WAF(Web应用程序防火墙)和AWS Shield以提供额外的安全层,保护您的CloudFront分发和S3存储桶免受网络攻击。

  7. 实施版本控制和对象锁定:使用S3版本控制和对象锁定来防止关键数据被意外更改或删除,确保数据完整性。

  8. 使用HTTPS:确保所有通过CloudFront分发的内容都使用HTTPS,这可以保护传输中的数据免受中间人攻击。

  9. 定期审查和更新策略:定期审查您的安全设置和策略,确保它们仍然符合您的安全要求,并根据需要进行更新。

  10. 使用AWS Config:利用AWS Config监控和评估S3存储桶的配置,确保它们没有被错误地配置为对公网开放。



要允許使用 Amazon CloudFront公開訪問私有 Amazon S3 桶中的內容,您應該遵循以下步驟:

  1. 创建S3存储桶并禁用所有公共访问: Ensure that your S3 bucket is configured as private to prevent direct public access. This is a crucial initial step to maintain security over your assets。

  2. 创建CloudFront分发,选择Web作为选项,并确保选择“Restrict Bucket Access”以创建“Origin Access Identity(OAI)”。Set up a CloudFront distribution with your S3 bucket as the origin. CloudFront acts as a reverse proxy and caches the content from your S3 bucket at its edge locations.

  3. CloudFront将为OAI创建IAM凭证,并授予其从存储桶读取对象的权限。当公共用户请求对象时,CloudFront将从S3存储桶获取对象并缓存在边缘位置,然后提供给用户。Use an Origin Access Identity (OAI) that CloudFront creates for you automatically when you set up the distribution. This OAI allows CloudFront to access your S3 bucket without exposing it to the public. Modify the bucket policy to allow access only via the OAI.

  4. 等待CloudFront分发完成部署,然后可以开始托管文件。可以通过CloudFront URL访问文件,而不是直接使用S3链接,以确保私有内容受到保护。

  5. Signed URLs or Cookies: For secure access to private content, use CloudFront signed URLs or signed cookies. This requires generating a signature that CloudFront checks before serving the content. You can set up signed URLs or cookies to control access to specific content, and you can define policies for the URLs or cookies, such as validity period and allowed IP addresses.

  6. Update Bucket Policy: Update the S3 bucket policy to reflect the CloudFront OAI and to ensure that only CloudFront can access the bucket. An example policy is provided in the AWS documentation, which you can modify according to your specific needs.

  7. Deploy SSL/TLS Certificate: Use SSL/TLS to encrypt the data in transit. CloudFront automatically uses HTTPS when creating signed URLs, enhancing security.

  8. AWS WAF Integration: Optionally, integrate AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) with your CloudFront distribution to add an additional layer of security.

  9. Test the Configuration: After setting up the CloudFront distribution and the necessary policies, test the configuration by accessing the content through the CloudFront URL. Ensure that the content is accessible only when using the signed URL or cookie and not directly through the S3 bucket URL.

  10. Monitor and Adjust: Monitor the access logs in CloudFront to ensure that the setup is working as intended and adjust the security settings as necessary.

By following these steps, you can use CloudFront to securely allow public access to your private S3 bucket's content. Remember to regularly review and update your security settings to adapt to new requirements or threats.

For detailed instructions and code examples, refer to the AWS documentation:


Using CloudFront to allow public access to content in private S3 bucket
